Plásticos Pola includes in its facilities a research and development lab, completely focused on a permanent review and continuous inspection of new options for raw materials. These options are always evaluated by a multidisciplinary team of experts in areas such as research, materials development, marketing, quality and production management, in order to really understand the potential of said materials.
Our goal is to introduce new materials in the market, improved or specifically designed, personalized, whatever our clients need.
We create specific projects to improve the utility and functionality, as well as the development of our recently adopted materials. We also continue improving our existing products, by recommendations from different areas of our staff or by our clients' request or suggestion.
We are able to offer designs with promptness, economy and definition, always respecting the process until finally getting the requested sample. Permanent contact with our client for feedback is a must, to guarantee, from step one, optimal results.
Industries we work with: